•   Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Don't be afraid of the dentist!

It would be difficult to find a person who would be willing to look at the perspective of a visit to the dentist's office. The truth is that most adults are afraid of how small children are, although it is completely unnecessary - today's dentists commonly use anesthesia in procedures and modern equipment that allows for virtually painless treatment, without any unpleasant sensations. Nevertheless, a large number of adults are afraid of such visits - it is important to know that such an approach is not only unwise, but also dangerous. Eternal postponement of a visit to the doctor "until later" can lead to a serious development of diseases of the oral cavity, and as a result very dangerous consequences. The treatment then becomes much longer and perhaps really painful; and all this can be avoided by simply not neglecting regular visits to the dentist. First of all, it is worth taking a closer look at the common stereotypes about these doctors.

The data on oral health care among Poles are almost terrifying. It turns out that about 10% of adult inhabitants of our country... He's never been to the dentist! At the same time, nearly 20% of people do not go to the dentist regularly, but only once every few years, only when the toothache becomes unbearable for them. It is not better to take care of your own teeth on your own. Most specialists remind you of the need to brush your teeth for at least three minutes, at least twice a day - but hardly anyone adheres to this rule. What is even more frightening, it turns out that almost a million Polish residents do not even have a toothbrush and do not care about the hygiene of this part of the body.

43% of Poles say they do not go to the dentist because they are afraid. The first thing that frightens us about visiting this doctor is the pain, although even painless procedures are very unpleasant in our opinion. For many people, a serious obstacle - let us admit, quite illogical - is simple shame. We do not go to the dentist for many years and do not care about the hygiene of our teeth, thus allowing us to develop in the oral cavity many serious diseases. After many years, our teeth are in a tragic condition and require serious treatment, but we are ashamed to go to the dentist and admit openly to our negligence. So we continue to suffer, fighting pain only with painkillers, which, even if they are effective, only act on an ad hoc basis.

Meanwhile, statistics on Polish dental surgeries show that there is no cause for concern in this respect. Dentists in Poland have really modern equipment and are true professionals, so we do not have to be ashamed of any problems with teeth, even if they are our fault. In this area, our country is one of the world's leading countries. This perfectly shows the fact that every year a lot of foreigners come to us, mainly from Western Europe, to take up such treatment. An additional advantage for such people are prices, much lower than in that part of Europe.

Neglecting the condition of your teeth can lead to many serious consequences, which specialists are constantly trying to remind you of. The first symptoms are, of course, not very aesthetic appearance of teeth and constantly persisting, unpleasant smell from the oral cavity. Then comes the pain - at first mild, but with which you can still somehow bear it. However, anyone who has experienced any serious toothache is aware of how terrible pain can cause it; practically no analgesics, commonly available in shops and pharmacies, can help.

Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth can develop to such an extent that they sometimes attack even other areas of our body if we neglect them. Many of us are not aware of this, but it could even result in cancer, which is already a real threat to our lives. Therefore, we must never forget the importance of taking care of clean teeth and regular visits to the dentist - check-up visits should take place at least twice a year. If we do not neglect to do so, visits to the dentist will end for us with a regular check-up, without the need to perform any procedures.

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